

Commission Pricing

All prices are in EUR. Delivery costs aren’t included and will be added on top.

Art Style Description Base Price Extra Info Example Image
Portrait One character, headshot style €80 Simple background’s on the house. Portrait Example
Bust Character from the chest up €110 Simple background’s on the house. Bust Example
Half-Body Character from the waist up €150 Simple background’s included.
Fancy stuff starts at €40.
Half-Body Example
Full Body Character from head to toe €200 Simple background’s included.
Fancy stuff starts at €55.
Full Body Example
Additional Characters Extra characters in the scene 50% of the base price per character
(if they’re chillin’ together);
full price if they’re solo
Max 3 characters per piece.
Watercolor Landscape Scenic landscapes in watercolor €120 Simple landscape/cityscape;
Complex ones might cost more.
Landscape Example
Pixel Art Custom pixel art pieces €100 Includes up to 64x64 pixels.
Larger sizes available at extra cost.
Pixel Art Example
Simple Pixel Art Animation Basic pixel art animations (up to 10 frames) €150 Includes simple movements or effects.
Additional frames at €10 each.
Pixel Animation Example

Background Options:

  • Simple Background: Included with portraits and full-body art. Think solid colors, clouds, or a chill sky.
  • Complicated Background: Starts at €40 for half-body, €55 for full-body, and more if it’s really detailed. Like a whole vibe in a scene.

Additional Info:

  • Payment: A non-refundable deposit of 30% required to get started. This deposit covers the initial time and effort spent on sketches and planning, and ensures commitment from both parties. The rest is due when the art’s done.
  • Revisions: Includes 2 rounds of changes. Extra tweaks cost €20 each.
  • Delivery Costs: Not included. We’ll sort it out based on how you want your art shipped.

How to Order:

  1. Hit Me Up: Send me a description of what you’re vibing for, with any reference pics and details.
  2. Get a Quote: I’ll hit you back with a custom quote based on what you need.
  3. Confirm & Pay Deposit: Let’s lock it in and get that deposit to start the magic.
  4. Review & Approve: I’ll keep you updated, and you’ll get the final piece to check out before it’s all set.